Settings Available
All of the Options available in Settings
Last updated
All of the Options available in Settings
Last updated
With the exception on enabling Folder Monitoring, all options can be updated in the Settings page.
The two options here will vary greatly on how much you use Missing Issue Check and how your library is structured.
IGNORED TERMS: Add a comma-separated list of words/tems to ignore while checking for missing issues. Update these terms and re-run the missing issue check to better parse your library.
IGNORED FILES: Add a comma-separated list of files to ignore when checking for missing issues. Your collection may be a mix of CBZ/CBR/PDF or other files but if you have other files in your directories you want excluded, just add them here.
Enable Subdirectories for Conversion: This specifically allows Convert Directoryto traverse subdirectories and convert all CBR/RAR files to CBZ. This is not enabled by default - as running this on a high level folder AND a large collection could take quite a bit of time.
This is the most extensive set of features and will only be applicable if Folder Monitoring is enabled. Most of these feature flags enhance the previous feature flag.
WATCH: The folder that will be monitored for files being added. This setting is dependent on the optional location mapped during Quickstartguide.
TARGET: The folder where files will be after they are processed. This setting is dependent on the optional location mapped during Quickstartguide.
IGNORED EXTENSIONS: File types listed here will be ignored by the file monitoring process. Many of these file types are temp
file types and should be ignore. However, if you want to have others files in the WATCH folder and not have them processed with your enabled options - add those extenison types here.
Auto CBZ Conversion: If enabled, when CBR files are downloaded, this will auto-convert them to CBZ
Auto ZIP Extraction: If enabled, when ZIP files are added to your WATCH folder, this will automatically extract them. This does not create folders. It uses the structure within the ZIP file.
For ZIP only, this specifically bypasses the IGNORED EXTENSIONS.
Processing Sub-Directories: If enabled, this will perform monitoring functions on sub-directories within your WATCH folder. For example, if you have /WATCH/
and it is auto-extracted to /WATCH/archive
each file will be processed and moved to /TARGET
Moving Sub-Directories: If enabled, this will preserve any sub-directories in your /WATCH
folder when they are moved to your TARGET
folder. For example, if you have /WATCH/
and it is auto-extracted to /WATCH/archive
each file will be processed and moved to /TARGET/archive
To Do: Hide these in settings if folder monitoring is not enabled or inform user that folder monitoring is not enabled.
All of these features related to updating/cleaning the ComicInfo.xml
file in archives. I would consider these experimental or beta features - in that they have been tested the least.
Update Volume to First Issue Year: If there is not a volume year in the ComicInfo.xml
this will read the (YEAR) from the first issue in the folder and update the volume year for each file to match.
Remove All Markdown Content: When enabled, if there are tables, bold text, or headers in the Comments field of the ComicInfo.xml
file, they will be removed.
Remove 'Covers & Creators' Table: When enabled, if there is a Covers & Creators table in the Comments field of the ComicInfo.xml
file, it will be removed.
SAVE: Click the Save button to save any changes you have made to the app.
RESTART APP: Only require on the initial install and a quick way to force restart to reload the config/settings changes.