Clean All Filenames
Clean all filenames in the directory
Last updated
Clean all filenames in the directory
Last updated
Currently this function does 5 things to all files in a directory and any sub-directories.
Removes everything in parentheses with the exception of the 4-digit year (if available)
Removes c2c
Removes anything in brackets [any text removed]
- along with the brackets
Removes any text / characters after "filename issue (year)"
Removes any extra spaces before the file extension
The pattern used for renaming is {Series Name} {Issue Number} ({Year})
Mylar3 and ComicRackCE should be your first choice for performing these actions, but I wanted something I could easily run on my manual downloads directory or repair in a one-off method.
Oftentimes series archives or torrent files will have numerous naming patterns with information in parenthesis, brackets, before the year, after and all over the place. I continuously update these to handle as many as I encounter.