Monitoring Setup
How to enable and setup folder monitoring
Folder monitoring is a feature that can be enabled during installation or when updating the container. Once enabled, there are several features available.
Install or Update
Monitoring runs as a separate process to ensure background operations do not interfere with any manual processing done by the user. In order to support this, folder monitoring must have 2 options configured in the docker-compose.yaml
These options are:
Line 8: Secondary volume/location for monitoring
Line 20:
to enable
If you want to enable monitoring and did not configure these on setup, simply stop the container, update your docker-compose.yaml
file and restart.
Setup & Requirements
When you have monitoring enabled, you will need to configure a WATCH folder and a TARGET folder.
WATCH is the source folder that will be monitored. Files in this location will have automated actions applied to them
TARGET is the destination folder where files will be moved as they are processed.
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